Sam Schwarzman provided these details about the Stadium:
There was a stadium on the East end of the block that had the old incinerator on it. It was between State Street and Harrison Street with the entrance on Harrison. The owner was Bill Priestly, I remember him and his son, they didn't live in Long Beach. The premise manager was a guy by the name of Rocky Viglia (sp). Rocky lived on one of the canal streets (I can't remember which one). Rocky owned 3 Irish Setters. Rocky had a broken nose, I think he was a retired boxer. They ran several different programs, boxing and wrestling. They even had opera shows near the end of the stadiums career. As kids, we would help clean up after the fights, paint things, be ring boys (holding up the round cards) etc. Our pay was free admission! There was one room that we were not allowed to go into, as it turned out, they were running a bookie joint from that room and they did get busted for it. Some of the wrestlers were: Argentine Antinino Rocca, Gene Stanley, Primo Carnara, The Golden Superman and many more. Primo Carnara was a former boxing champion, he was a huge guy. We got to spend time with most of them, they were great to us. The local people ran parking concessions in the vacant lots. I don't know what it was but hot dogs and a soda tasted so much better in the stadium on fight nights. Real great memories! I can never forget that silver paint, we used it on everything! My sister was the first Majorette to twirl with fire in LBHS, she used to practice in front of the stadium while it was closed, I think she may have a photo, I'll have to ask her. We lived on the next block, Pine Street.
Sam Schwarzman